erasure|erasures in English


[e·ra·sure || ɪ'reɪʒə]

rubbing out, deletion, eradicatio

Use "erasure|erasures" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "erasure|erasures" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "erasure|erasures", or refer to the context using the word "erasure|erasures" in the English Dictionary.

1. Report one bad, achievement erasure.

2. Another word had been written over the erasure.

3. Sadly, internalized Biphobia and bi erasure are very real

4. For deconstruction, however, this erasure of the world is crucial.

5. The inspection, modification, replacement or erasure of part of file's contents.

6. Your writing would be subject to 1984 - style retroactive erasure.

7. Device erasure occurs by utting the proper erase command sequence.

8. Based on these properties, a complete algebraic decoding algorithm is provided which simultaneously corrects errors and erasures.

9. Data erasure tools can also target specific data on a disk for routine erasure, providing a hacking protection method that is less time-consuming than software encryption.

10. The past was erased, the erasure was forgotten, the lie became truth.

11. The erasure, then, is more or less the same procedure as the entrance.

12. Erasure code is an important method for providing high availability in data storage.

13. Here is a job which will take more time than an erasure.

14. One possible disposition might have been erasure of the tapes for re - use.

15. To study the selective erasure and rewriting of the multiplexed holographic storage in photorefractive crystals.

16. The longitudinal component of the electric field increase the write speed and provdies erasure.

17. summarize this with the motto binary compatibility ensures migration compatibility — or, more concisely, erasure eases evolution.

18. The problem of complete decoding the binary Golay code over error-and-erasure memoryless channels is addressed.

19. An algebraic description of the erasure channel is given and a nearest neighbor decoding scheme is defined.

20. The reworking of another artist's work-by appropriation or erasure-has been identified as a postmodern preoccupation.

21. In this paper , we discuss the relation between information erasure and heat dissipation in quantum memory.

22. To prevent accidental erasure of recorded material, the VHS cassette has a removable tab on side.

23. 22 The reworking of another artist's work-by appropriation or erasure-has been identified as a postmodern preoccupation.

24. Assets abroad were frozen by the U. N. These events set into motion the erasure of the middle class.

25. The erasure of shell growth we found has not previously been reported in the longstanding literature on molluscan growth.